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Jewish Humor

Why do I like retirement ?!?!

Q: How many days per week?

A: 6 Saturdays, 1 Sunday.

Q: How many retiree's to change a light bulb?

A: Only one, but may take the whole day.

Q: Why retiree's don't mind being call Seniors?

A: Term comes with 10% discount.

Q: Retiree's formal attire?

A: Tied shoes.

Q: Why do retiree's count pennies?

A: They are to only ones who have the time.

Q: Term for someone who refuses to retire?

A: Nuts

Q: Best way to describe retirement

A: The never ending coffee break.

Q: Biggest advantage if a retiree goes back to school?

A: If you cut classes, no one will call your parents.

Q: Why retirees say they don't miss work but the people they worked with?

A: They are too polite to tell the whole truth.

Q: What do you do the whole week?

A: Monday through Friday: Nothing. Saturday and Sunday rest.

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