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Updates to website forthcoming

Hey all, with the dawn of the new administration, I am planning great stuff with our new President Dan Rakofsky.  Please take the time to check both our website and join our Facebook page.  We should have the upcoming event schedule up soon and we are working to update the the look and feel of our site.

Communication is key to get info out about who we are.  It's more than websites and social media.  It's you, the members, that make the organization grow and continue to thrive.  Spread the word about our events and meetings.  2013 is going to be a great year for us!


VP Communications/Webmaster


Here is the new board

Daniel Rakofsky- President

Michael Taussig- Executive Vice President

Harvey Meshel- First Vice President

Stephen Greenberger- Second Vice President

Arik Levy- Vice President of Communications

Lou Bornstein- Treasurer

Jacci Seskin- Secretary

Paul Weiss- Sergeant-at-Arms


Dinner Dance 2012 Photos are up!

Check is out here


Rabbi's New Year's Message

Hi all, please click here to view the Rabbi's New Year's Message.  May it be a safe one for you...


Photos from the 2011 Dinner Dance posted

Stop by the Photos page to see the photos from this year's Dinner Dance.  Fun time, great food, worthy cause...the Dinner Dance is always the highlight of the Shomrim year.