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Shomrim Members Health News

Herb Silver recently had surgery up in NY. Herb recommends the doctors in NY, and reports that the surgery was successful.


Fred Wood was recently treated at Broward General Medical Center. The procedure was successful, and he is currently recovering at home.


Shelley Sosnick recently had hip surgery. The procedure was successful, and she is resting comfortably. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. 


Merrill Kelem was recently hospitalized, and an angioplasty was conducted. Merrill reported that the procedure was successful, and he is resting comfortably.


Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery to our Vice President of Finance Jorge Ghitis who recently underwent a quadruple bypass. Jorge is currently resting at his home being nursed back to health by his wife Yolanda.


Gerald Wolff is currently in Mount Sinai Medical Center. We wish him well, and hope that he recovers quickly.


Our best wishes to Joshua Garfinkle's mother Beckie who is undergoing treatment for a very aggressive cancer.


Lou Bornstein had knee replacement surgery. We wish him a quick and pain free recovery. 




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